Everything is energy, according to ancient wisdom and modern physics. But what does that mean, and why might it matter? Kristine talks about sensing your own unique energy signature and why it is especially important for empaths and other sensitive people. She also relates it to finding your purpose, or dharma. And, of course, Kristine talks about Saturn, its energy signature, and why it's important to get beyond the stories.
Kristine's class on Saturn in astrology is here: https://kristinebackes.com/product/saturn-friend-or-foe/
The article by medical astrologer Judith Hill referenced in this episode: https://www.judithhillastrology.com/saturn-the-balance-wheel-of-the-planetary-pantheon
Keep up with Kristine's Saturn work and get a copy of her Saturn Archetypes e-book here: https://www.subscribepage.com/getyoursaturn